Wednesday, July 4, 2007

God--our Provider

- Kozaczuk Adoption Update Letter ---

We recently decided on our little girl’s new name:
Lidia Elena Ruhamah
Yes, it is long…but it is packed with significance.
Lidia: The name of Victor’s mother In the New Testament this is the name of a woman converted to Christianity. (Acts 16)
Elena: The name given to her by her birth mother Greek: Bright, Shining One
Ruhamah: The name of Carina’s great-grandmother In the Old Testament book of Hosea, God shows compassion on Israel and renames Hosea’s daughter from “Lo-Ruhamah” (you are not loved) to “Ruhamah” (you are loved); in Hebrew: love deeply, have mercy, be compassionate, have tender affection.

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Many people who have seen her photo say the same two things
1. She looks like Victor. (This explains her irresistible charm.)
2. She is a very fortunate girl.
As much as we are convinced that WE are extremely blessed to be adopting her, we have to agree that she is fortunate as well. We are thankful she currently has excellent and loving caregivers, but being placed in a family is 1,000% better for any child. They simply cannot give her the individual attention she deserves. From what we have read, kids in orphanages lose 1 month of development for every 3 months they spend there. This explains why at 2 years old she cannot yet walk nor talk much, and only weighs 22 lbs. Studies do show an amazing catch-up rate once children are adopted, and we are looking forward to seeing this happen. Aside from the irreplaceable gift of parental love, our Russian friends have told us that living with a disability will be easier for her in the United States than in her native land. Yes, she is one of the fortunate ones.

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Financing our adoption has been an adventure in faith
You may know that an international adoption is an expensive ordeal. Ours will cost more than $35,000. We made a lot of phone calls before choosing our agency and found the costs to be the about same across the board. Aside from the agency fees of over $20,000, we must pay for immigration paperwork, doctor consultations, flights, hotels and food. And Russia is an expensive travel option. Economy hotels in Vladivostok start at over $100 per night, and we are not staying only one night! Plus time off work, etc. etc.

But these numbers are not huge for our Lord who owns the universe. Read on to see how the Lord has surprised us so far with His riches to meet our needs.

Cool story #1
On our final visit to the orphanage, the social worker asked us if we were prepared to sign acceptance papers for Lidia. “Yes,” we told her. She asked a second time. “Yes, we will adopt her,” we assured her again. Once she was convinced that we were earnest in our desire to take Lidia home, she told us the big secret. Lidia has a pension! About 18 months ago the Russia government began providing monthly pensions to disabled orphans. Lidia receives about $100 every month. The money goes to a bank account which she can access when she turns 18…or when she is adopted. Right now she has over $2000 in the bank!

Cool story#2
Our church friends threw us a fund-raiser shower recently in which the guests brought gifts of money to help us with the adoption expenses. It was a wonderful event, and donations came to over $300. Two days later we received a letter in the mail from a bank. It was one of those thin envelopes that look like junk mail, but it wasn’t junk mail. It contained a check for $3000! Some folks at the bank forgot to disclose some of the closing costs to us on the lot we purchased over a year ago, so by law they must refund the money! Isn’t that crazy? No, we think it is God. He multiplied the work of the church tenfold. It is easy for Him, just like He did with the fish and loaves.

Cool story #3
The church we currently attend was my home church during college days, and many of my friends from that era still attend. That is why we chose Hillcrest Chapel. We didn’t choose it because of all the adoptive families who attend, or because it has an adoption support group. That has been a wonderful surprise bonus. Every year our church holds a craft-fair to help generate funds for adoptive families. The church has decided to give us some of this money. We don’t know the amount yet, but it should be between $2000 and $3500.

God has many fountains…
We are also applying for grants. Ibsen Adoption Network received our application last week. They give gifts of $1000-$2000 to families who adopt disabled children. There are also several other organizations out there which help adoptive families. Because of the great need, all of them have very specific criteria for who they will give money to. We have found two more that appear to fit our story, so we will keep filling out applications.

A dear friend of ours has a Pampered Chef business, and has offered to use her business to support our cause. She has set up a website for us, so that sales can be done online. We have included the information she put on her website (see below) so you can participate in this fundraiser if you like.

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Thank you so much for your support!
It has been a blessed experience to share our adoption process with all of you. We truly felt your prayers in Russia. The decision-making stage was very difficult, but we felt cared for and supported every step of the way. Now our needs are different because we are no longer making a decision, we are preparing for a baby! In this new stage, we have again been very blessed by so many of you who have helped us in very concrete ways. Showers, collections of hand-me-downs, and fundraisers are all happening on our behalf. Our small apartment is getting smaller as we add toys and toddler furniture. We are so grateful to the Lord for His goodness to us, and for His gift of your friendship. We beieve that with God there are sure to be many more cool stories to come. Have a wonderful Fourth of July.
In His Love, Victor and Carina

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The Pampered Chef web site – a party in the comfort of your own home!
Orders can be submitted from Sun, July 1, 2007 - Sat, Jul 28, 2007

In anticipation of the arrival Victor and Carina's adopted child, you can help "bring her home" and provide for some of her needs by making your Pampered Chef purchases here.
As you peruse the on-line catalog, consider up-coming gift-giving opportunities (showers, weddings, birthdays, housewarmings, business gifts, Christmas, etc.) as well as selections for stocking your own kitchen. As a special "thank you" for product orders of $60 or more, you will receive the Barbecue Basting Bottle ($14 value) for FREE from The Pampered Chef. PLEASE NOTE: the June Monthly Special will be in effect through the close of this event. July specials will NOT apply even though orders may be placed until July 28.

Based on total product sales, The Pampered Chef will make a 10-15% contribution to the Hillcrest Adoption Fund on behalf of the Kozaczuk family. As a personal friend, I will also donate a portion of my commission from this Fund-Raiser 'Show' toward the family fund.
If you live outside Whatcom County, Washington, please select the 'direct shipping' option. Your order will be delivered directly to your desired shipping address via FedEx. You may also direct-ship a gift to anywhere in the U.S. and territories.

Orders within Whatcom County may choose direct delivery or use the "show" rate of $4.00 per order. I will contact you when your order arrives at my home.
Please understand that all orders will be placed as a group after the Fund-Raiser closes on July 28. Your order should arrive by or before August 15. To those who order early . . . thank you for your patience!

THANK YOU for participating in this effort to bless Victor and Carina and their long-awaited child.TO PLACE AN ORDER, please go to and type 'adoption' in the show search box
You can also try clicking here:
Order by July 28 to bless the Kozaczuk family and get some really great Kitchen Tools too!