Sunday, July 15, 2007

Court Date!

Our court date in Russia is tenatively set for the 16th or 17th of August. The judge who was assigned our case has given a favorable nod toward waiving the mandatory ten-day waiting period, so we should have custody of our daughter on the 17th. Then we will spend a week bonding together in our hotel room, with a very little bit of running around getting final documents taken care of for entry into the United States, like her passport photo and health certificate.

We just purchased plane tickets and will fly out from Seattle on the 11th of August, hopefully returning on the 25th with our little Lidia. (She is affectionally called "Ellie Rue" by Victor.)

Since we will be returning during high travel season, our flights are crazy!

Outbound flight:
Seattle - Portland - Los Angeles - Seoul -Vladivostok
--a full 26 hours in transit

Return flight:
Vladivostok - Seoul - Honolulu - Seattle
-- 22 hours in transit

It should be "fun" to do these flights with our brand new daughter who has barely ever ridden in a car, much less a plane! I especially look forward to changing diapers on board. But the important thing is, SHE IS COMING HOME! YAY! We are very excited.

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