Friday, January 23, 2015

Just One Little Question....

Our adoption application arrived in Colombia early in December where a lawyer translated and submitted it to the Child Welfare office in Bogota. 

Ten days ago we received our first official communication from that office!  Very exciting. 

Except that it was not an acceptance letter.  

Instead it was more questions.  Our local psychologist and local social worker typed up some answers, and after getting the new documents notarized and stamped by all of the appropriate parties, they will be sent back down to Bogota. 

That just might be the end of the questions.  Perhaps we will hear about adoptable Colombian kids during this coming spring – or maybe sooner!?!

On a financial note, the submission of the application came with a bill for $3000. We are thankful that our GraceHaven account had just under $4000.  The next big bill will be for $5400. It is due when we get assigned some kids. If you want to help out, click on the GraceHaven or Paypal buttons on the upper left side of this page.

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