Thursday, August 7, 2014

Roller Coaster

In the past few months we have been trying to imagine how life will be different with Kamil and Aneta added into our family.  We find ourselves asking, “How will wheelchair-bound Kamil be able to to get up this hill?”  or “What will it be like to go camping together?”  Like pregnant parents, these ponderings are part of the bonding. Bonding makes it harder when the adoption road takes unexpected turns. 

 Kamil and Aneta are going to be adopted – by their current foster parents. And this means we cannot adopt them. This makes me sad. I was looking forward to being their dad. My imaginings and hopes are now just wisps that the breeze dissolved. But consolation comes from learning that when they heard that they were about to be adopted they became unhappy about leaving their foster parents, and apparently that caused their foster parents to decide to adopt them. Medical reports and videos of the kids in their foster home indicate that the foster parents have been very focused on helping Kamil with his treatment. I’m guessing that these foster parents care about these two kids.

This walking by faith and not by sight method of living continues to steer my drifting field of vision back onto the invisible High King whom we trust. He sent our new friend Jim to us last winter with a message about Agniezka’s need. We were provoked to act for her. Last May, several months and thousands of dollars later, our course was diverted toward Kamil and Aneta. We didn’t help them the way we thought we would. The King has used us to prod two foster parents into an acting in deeper kindness to Kamil and Aneta.

We are continuing on. Seven years ago we flew to Russia not knowing who we would meet. It was scary. That adventure resulted in us discovering great treasure (who we named Lidia). So, I’m feeling like once again turning my face into the winds of the unknown, stepping onward and peering at the horizon to discover what it is that the King has planned for us next.

We’ve been talking to our agency about adopting other kids. These past few days we’ve been inquiring into adoptions from Bulgaria and Colombia.

Tomorrow we drive down for our appointment to get finger-printed by the Department of Homeland Security. The prints are required for our dossier. We continue to progress through the process, and the dossier step is very near completion.

Would you pray that God direct us to the right country to send our dossier to? Our application will likely be made within the next few weeks.

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