Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009 Gotcha Day!!!!

Sam Sam is no longer a photo. He is - loud! And real cute. His personality is charming, and so far he seems to be an incredibly happy guy. And my is he ticklish – he just bursts into peals of laughter at the slightest belly tickle……

We went straight to the civil affairs office after driving in from the airport through the light snow and checking into our hotel. We found him there in a large play area having a great time exploring the toys. The orphanage director and another orphanage officer lady had brought him by train from Anyang this morning. They were twinkly-eyed and seemed very sweet and like they’d cared very much for him. They have known him since he arrived to the orphanage at one week old. We learned that his foster family included an older brother and sister, so hopefully he won’t mind when Lidia starts telling him what he can and cannot do. The orphanage ladies could not stay long, so our long list of questions will be emailed to them. They handed us a wonderful photo album with Chinese and English captions that they had made for him which shows Sam Sam with several of his caretakers including his foster mother. Our impression is that the Chinese system of caring for kids lacking their birth parents has been very good for Sam Sam. But then it may be that he is just a super-duper kid…For now, we are extremely thankful that he is not rejecting us, nor throwing the feral tantrums that we were warned are common reactions to transitioning to a new family. He enjoys being held and stroked and petted and played with, and seems to have a good sense of humor.

Sam Sam is very verbal. So far we have only understood one of words. He repeats it patiently until we respond. It’s, “nee-oww”. Which means, “Er, big-person-caring-for-me, I want you to understand that, presently, I strongly wish to urinate”. It easy to remember if you think of “pay attention to “me now” or there will be consequences”…. He says lots more, but we don’t know Chinese. But then our translator/guide doesn’t understand half of what he says. It’s either baby jabber or a regional accent she can’t figure… We also understand, “sheh sheh” which we’ve learned means, “thanks”. He is quite a good mimic

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Sam Sam just typed that! He was curious so Victor picked him up onto his lap… See, he can already use a piece of high tech equipment to create complicated text strings. “Sam Sam Script 1.0”… That’s our boy!

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