Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow and sledding

November was a month of assessments, and Lidia came out with very high marks! Her expressive speech is delayed, but just slightly, and her receptive speech is almost perfect. These scores do not take into consideration that English is her second language, so we were quite proud of our above-average child. Our visit to the occupational therapist was great fun. Lidia threw herself onto the floormats with gusto, and loved going up and down the little staircase that has no purpose other than to go and back down again. The therapist showed us how to use a giant exercise ball to practice balancing skills. We have one at home now, thanks to the Kaechs, and it is a favorite activity.

The first day of December announced itself quite clearly in a very white and wonderful way....with snow! After bundling up our little pumpkin, we set her in the sled and walked around a few nice flat blocks. Later we found a short slope and set her loose. Such happiness! The snow all but disappeared by the following day, and now we are back to rain, rain, rain.