Thursday, August 16, 2007


We went through an intense court proceeding thismorning, but were overjoyed when the judge ruled in favor of our adoption and in favor of waiving theten-day waiting period. We picked Lidia up around 3pm, and she has been an angel ever since.

She snuggled in Carina’s arms all the way home (45 minute drive), has been enjoying rolling a ball,looking at books, and stacking cups since arriving “home.” Oh yes, and eating. We got her daily menu from the orphanage so we could try to match it as much as possible for now. She ate like a little bird, mouth wide-open waiting for the next bite. She disliked her bath after dinner, but enjoyed snuggling with Mama for a long while afterwards. Tomorrow afternoon will involve a bit of running around after documents. Then, we just wait until the courier returns from Moscow with a visa for entry into the U.S. For now, it is early bedtime with Little Precious. Good Night.