Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Marathon Relay Race

The final piece of paper arrived to our adoption agency today, with all of the appropriate stamps and signatures.  The dossier is done! Our hardworking caseworker is packaging it all up for shipment to Colombia; the paperwork will now be done by someone from that country. 

The above clipart shows the passing of a baton in a relay race.  It’s a weak analogy to our situation: we are pretty sure that no one is doing any sprints in this race. We’ve heard that average wait times for some acknowledgement from Colombia is four months. 

$3000 is due for our Colombian adoption at the point of dossier submission (now).  We are happy to report that the money is available for us in our Gracehaven fundraising account.  However, it will pretty much wipe that account out.  

We will need to pay another $5400 when once Colombia assigns us some kids and we accept them.  Getting those kids from Colombia to our home is something we have put into God’s hands.  He has met every need to date by touching hearts and prompting folks like you to play a part in this true-life rescue operation. 

If you want to help change two precious lives for eternal good, please consider donating into our Paypal account or making a tax-deductible donation into our Gracehaven fund.  You can find the link for either one on the top left side of this page.

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