Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Bellingham Washington

We’ve been home for four days now. Our flights went as perfectly as we could hope for. Sam Sam slept most of the time; we recouped our sleep the next day. We had a great time connecting with friends and family in San Francisco, and were even able to bring our new son to Victor’s home church on Christmas night.

Lidia and Sam Sam are getting along much better than we expected. They run around together and play and play. It is so gratifying to see them enjoying each other. There is the random altercation, but that is all part of learning to live together. He already adores his big sister, and she absolutely loves helping Mama and Papa to help Sam Sam.

If you live nearby, don’t be shy to invite yourself over. Sam Sam is definitely up for visitors. He is such a happy little fellow, and he loves to play.

Our camera died during our last couple of days in Guangzhou, so pictures are few. Here is one of our little ones at home and making a mess together.